The END RHD CRE focuses priority research projects that will help achieve the singular target of producing the Endgame Strategy.
The impact of Influenza infection during early life on immune developmentThis study will investigate the why disease is worse in infants and how early life viral infection impacts the developing immune system.
Cystic Fibrosis Early Surveillance ProgramResearchers are able to track the progress of lung disease through a comprehensive longitudinal set of biological samples, images and data archives.
Focus Area
Early EnvironmentThe Early Environment research theme consists of four programs: Immunobiology and Immunotherapeutic, Early Life and Life Course Health, Infection and Vaccines, and End RHD.
News & Events
McCusker Charitable Foundation grant in support of the Undiagnosed Diseases ProgramThe Kids Research Institute Australia congratulates Prof Gareth Baynam and Dr Timo Lassmann on their grant over three years from the McCusker Charitable Foundation.
Psychometric evaluation of clinician- and caregiver-reported clinical severity assessments for individuals with CDKL5 deficiency disorderThe CDKL5 Clinical Severity Assessment is a comprehensive, content-validated measurement tool capturing the diverse challenges of cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 deficiency disorder, a genetically caused developmental epileptic encephalopathy. The CCSA is divided into clinician-reported and caregiver-reported assessments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the factor structure of these measures through confirmatory factor analysis and evaluate their validity and reliability.
Generating evidence to inform responsive and effective actions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescent health and well-being: a mix method protocol for evidence integration 'the Roadmap Project'Australia does not have a national strategy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescent health and as a result, policy and programming actions are fragmented and may not be responsive to needs. Efforts to date have also rarely engaged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in co-designing solutions. The Roadmap Project aims to work in partnership with young people to define priority areas of health and well-being need and establish the corresponding developmentally appropriate, evidence-based actions.
An Exploration of LGBTQA+ Young People’s Coping Strategies When Navigating Suicidal Thoughts and BehaviorsLGBTQA+ young people experience suicidal thoughts and behaviors at a much greater rate than their heterosexual and cisgender peers. This study explored firsthand accounts of the coping strategies employed by LGBTQA+ young people when experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
BCG vaccination of healthcare workers for protection against COVID-19: 12-month outcomes from an international randomised controlled trialBacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine has immunomodulatory effects that may provide protection against unrelated infectious diseases. We aimed to determine whether BCG vaccination protects adults against COVID-19.