Influence of maternal obesity on the long-term health of offspringIncluding immediate implications for pregnancy complications, increasing evidence implicates maternal obesity having a major impact on long term child health.
Patterns of multiple risk exposures for low receptive vocabulary growth 4-8 years in the Longitudinal Study of Australian ChildrenOur results demonstrate a range of multiple risk profiles in a population-representative sample of Australian children and highlight the mix of risk factors faced by children
Molecular actions of Vitamin D in reproductive cell biologyThe aim of this work is to review current metabolic and molecular aspects of the VitD-VitD receptor axis in reproductive medicine
Characteristics associated with clinical severity and inflammatory phenotype of naturally occurring virus-induced exacerbations of asthma in adultsType 2 inflammation is present in patients during virus-induced asthma exacerbations, to the same degree as non-viral exacerbations
Distress and psychological morbidity do not reduce over time in carers of patients with high-grade gliomahis study aimed to determine how carer distress and psychological morbidity change over time following a patient's diagnosis of high-grade glioma
Induced sputum to detect lung pathogens in young children with cystic fibrosiswe aimed to determine the sensitivity and specificity of induced sputum with and without airway clearance techniques to detect lower airway pathogens in kids.
A preliminary investigation of the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on facial morphology in children with Autism Spectrum DisorderWhile early exposure to alcohol may influence the development of facial structures, it does not appear to be associated with ASD phenotypic variability
AMEND study protocol: A case-control study to assess the long-term impact of invasive meningococcal disease in Australian adolescents and young adultsThis study aims to address this evidence gap by assessing the clinical, physical, neurocognitive, economic and societal impact of invasive meningococcal disease
Antibiotics versus topical antiseptics for chronic suppurative otitis mediaTreatment of chronic suppurative otitis media with topical antibiotics probably results in an increase in resolution of ear discharge compared with boric acid
Prevalence of chronic wet cough and protracted bacterial bronchitis in aboriginal childrenStrategies to address reasons for and treatment of chronic wet cough and protracted bacterial bronchitis in young Aboriginal children in remote north Western Australia are required