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Panel 8: Vaccines and immunology

Review and highlight of the significant advances made towards vaccine development and understanding of the immunology of otitis media


Putting ‘Justice’ in Recovery Capital: Yarning about Hopes and Futures with Young People in Detention

We must celebrate success and hope through a process of mapping and building recovery capital in the justice context at an individual and institutional level


Differences in stroke risk and cardiovascular mortality for Aboriginal and other Australian patients with atrial fibrillation

Stroke risk and cardiovascular mortality are markedly higher for Aboriginal than non-Aboriginal patients with atrial fibrillation, particularly for patients under 60


Spaceship earth revisited: The co‐benefits of overcoming biological extinction of experience at the level of person, place and planet

This commentary focuses the ways in which microbes, as an essential part of all ecosystems, provide a vital link between personal and planetary systems


Higher frequency of vertebrate-infecting viruses in the gut of infants born to mothers with type 1 diabetes

We demonstrate a distinct gut virome profile in infants of mothers with type 1 diabetes, which may influence health outcomes later in life


The effect of upgrades to childcare outdoor spaces on preschoolers’ physical activity: Findings from a natural experiment

This natural experiment investigated the influence of early childhood education and care outdoor physical environment upgrade on preschoolers' physical activity


Advances in Exercise, Physical Activity, and Diabetes

We screened more than 750 potentially eligible titles on PubMed and other common search engines for manuscripts on “exercise and diabetes”


Misgendering and experiences of stigma within health care settings for transgender individuals

Misgendering within the health care system can significantly affect the mental and physical health of transgender individuals


Chronic health conditions, mental health and the school: A narrative review

School-based social risk processes in the lives of young people with chronic health conditions are likely to contribute to risk of psychological problems


Content validation of the Quality of Life Inventory—Disability

Satisfactory content validity is reported, where ongoing consumer feedback shaped the dataset from which the final items were selected